A Cartoonist's Guide to Mark 8:27-9:8
A Cartoonist's Guide to the Bible
This PowerPoint presentation (and .zip image pack) offers a visual meditation on Mark 8:27-9:8. Jesus takes his disciples to Caesarea Philippi and asks them, "Who do you say that I am?" He tells the crowd that they must take up their cross and deny themselves to follow him. Then he is transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John.
This is a labor of love. You can purchase this for $1.99 or pay as much as you want as a donation to the ongoing production of these visual materials. Feel free to use this presentation for your preaching, teaching, or personal study.
Learn more at https://cartoonistbible.com/visuals/mark-827-98-transfiguration/
1 PowerPoint file and one .zip file of .jpg images
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