A Cartoonist's Guide to Mark 7:1-23
This PowerPoint presentation (and .zip image pack) offers a visual meditation on Mark 7:1-23. The Pharisees and Scribes attack Jesus because his disciples don't wash their hands properly (according to their religious tradition) before they eat. This, according to the Pharisees, makes them unclean. Jesus launches on a diatribe about how it is not the things that go into the body that make it unclean, but it is what comes out of the heart that defiles a person.
This is a labor of love. You can purchase this for $1.99 or pay as much as you want as a donation to the ongoing production of these visual materials. Feel free to use this presentation for your preaching, teaching, or personal study.
Learn more at https://cartoonistbible.com/visuals/mark-71-23-what-defiles/
1 PowerPoint file and one .zip file of .jpg images